Grandparents’ rights issues with grandchildren can be a sensitive and difficult topic to navigate

explore options for resolving conflicts
in a peaceful and respectful manner

Grandparents’ rights issues with grandchildren can be a sensitive and difficult topic to navigate. In some cases, grandparents may feel that they are being unfairly denied access to their grandchildren due to family disputes or other reasons. It is important to remember that the best interests of the children should always be the top priority in these situations. While grandparents may have a legal right to visitation in Michigan, the legal standards to obtain grandparent rights are stringent and have a high burden of proof to overcome.

Communication and mediation between all parties involved can often help resolve issues and find a solution that works for everyone. At the end of the day, maintaining healthy relationships between grandparents and grandchildren can be incredibly beneficial for both parties, so it is important to try and find a way to work through any challenges that may arise. However, if a resolution cannot be reached then the attorneys at the Private Firm will not hesitate to take your case to court.

  • Physical and Legal Custody
  • Trial and Appeal
  • Best interest factors
  • Child Custody evaluations
  • Custody and child support
  • Choice of School
  • Moving out of State